Supreme Court Herstory

With Justice Stephen Breyer's retirement, we are all waiting to see who President Biden will nominate for the highest and most exclusive court in the land. Before he was elected, Biden promised to nominate a black woman to the Supreme Court.

In the first year of his presidency, half of Biden's federal appeal courts nominees have been black women. While an official list has not been publicized, there are many speculations as to who Biden will nominate. Some names that have been circulating include South Carolina US District Judge J. Michelle Childs, Sherrilyn Ifill, Circuit Judge Eunice Lee, and Circuit Judge Candace Jackson-Akiwumi.

Join us on Thursday, February 24th at 7pm for a conversation with Shelley Henderson, JD, MLS, founder of the National Women's Leadership Council and former NWPC OC board member, and Karriann Farrell Hinds, President of NWPC California.

Members tickets $15, non-members tickets $20. Purchase a membership today and get a free ticket!


Maya Angelou


Stacey Abrams